Building Strong Relationships with Your Filipino Outsourcing Team

Working Filipino Outsourcing Team

When you outsource and engage in cross-border collaborations in the Philippines, exploring and understanding cultural differences are important to foster strong relationships with your local outsourced team. Building a good environment with your Filipino workforce is also beneficial for ensuring smooth and productive operations. Therefore, this blog will provide valuable insights into grasping cultural nuances and making a thriving workplace with your Filipino outsourcing team, ultimately contributing to your enterprise’s overall growth and success. 

Understanding the Filipino Culture  

Before delving into specific strategies for cultivating connections, it is imperative to establish an understanding of the Philippine culture. Exploring the unique cultural aspects of the country can lay a strong foundation for your relationships and aid in preventing potential misunderstandings in the office. Moreover, it can significantly impact to a harmonious working dynamic with your Filipino colleagues. 

Emphasis on Family and Community  

Filipinos hold family and community in high regard, often prioritizing the welfare of their families over personal aspirations. This kind of commitment transcends into their professional lives, where they perceive their colleagues as an extended family. Consequently, they thrive in a work environment that nurtures camaraderie and teamwork, creating a sense of belonging and mutual support. 

Respect for Authority  

Respect for authority is deeply part of Filipino culture, and they are generally obedient to their superiors and are reluctant to challenge decisions or express dissenting opinions. Thus, cultivating an atmosphere that encourages open communication and empowers your Filipino outsourcing team to share their thoughts will help create an environment where they feel valued, promoting a culture of mutual understanding and trust. 

Hospitality and Warmth  

Filipinos are renowned for their warmth and hospitality, often going out of their way to ensure guests feel welcome and at ease. This characteristic extends into their professional relationships, as they strive to create an inclusive and appreciative environment for their colleagues, promoting a culture of camaraderie and support in the workplace. 

Adaptability and Resilience  

Being adaptable and resilient is what Filipinos are known for after having faced various challenges throughout their history. As it is rooted in a strong work ethic, they are willing to acquire new skills and navigate different situations. Furthermore, this adaptability renders them exceptional team players, adept at managing various tasks and projects, making them valuable assets to any organization. 

Related post: How to Successfully Manage Remote Teams in the Philippines 

Strategies for Building Strong Relationships with Your Filipino Outsourcing Team  

Now that you understand Philippine culture let’s explore specific strategies to develop solid relationships with your outsourced team.   


Clear and open communication is crucial in any business relationship, but it’s imperative when you are working with a Filipino offshoring team. Encourage your staff members to ask questions, share their opinions, and provide feedback since having everyday communication can positively impact the value of their work. Therefore, it is vital to help create an environment where they feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, leading to more effective collaboration.   

  • Language Barrier  

Although Filipinos widely speak English, one must be aware that most of them may not be their first language, so there could be times when it’s difficult for them to speak or understand. Keep in mind to simplify your language and refrain from using intricate jargon or slang, which can prevent misinterpretations. Additionally, demonstrating patience and offering support when they encounter challenges in understanding or expressing themselves can boost more assertive communication in your team. 

  • Time Zone Differences  

Given foreign clients’ differences in time zones, establishing consistent communication channels and meeting times accommodating everyone can be challenging. Scheduling meetings and deadlines that fit the local time of your local team and international customers helps boost a considerate work environment. Lastly, it’s advisable to involve them in the scheduling process, seeking their input and confirming the suitability of the proposed time frames before finalizing any arrangements. 

a group of people having a Discussing about Filipino Outsourcing Team
Photo by freepik 

Trust and Empowerment  

Establishing trust with your Philippine outsourcing team is pivotal to cultivating an effective working relationship. Empowering your team by granting them autonomy to handle tasks and make decisions can also significantly boost their confidence and acquire a great sense of dedication toward the success of your projects. 

  • Delegation and Responsibility  

Effectively assigning responsibilities based on your team member’s strengths and skills is necessary to create a harmonious workplace. Trusting your staff to deliver quality work without micromanaging their tasks promotes their professional growth and instills a sense of accountability, leading to improved productivity and successful project outcomes. 

  • Encourage Initiative  

Cultivate a work environment that inspires your Philippine offshoring team to take the initiative and suggest new ideas. This approach is possible by ensuring a proactive engagement that not only enhances your employees’ overall performance but also makes a sense of motivation among them. Eventually, this initiative encourages a culture of innovation and creativity and contributes to the team’s collective improvement. 

Recognition and Appreciation  

Acknowledging and appreciating your team’s hard work and accomplishments is a big factor in sustaining motivation and boosting morale. As highlighted in a British Council study, millennials believe it matters most to be valued and acknowledged by their peers for their best efforts. So, ensure to celebrate both minor and major victories and publicly recognize the achievements of individuals and the team as a whole.      

  • Regular Feedback  

Providing consistent feedback to your Filipino outsourcing team, encompassing positive reinforcement and constructive criticism. This practice enables team members to understand their progress, identify areas for improvement, and build on their successes. As a result, this approach establishes continuous improvement and promotes your company’s professional development. 

  • Reward and Incentives  

Take into account the implementation of a reward system or the provision of incentives for outstanding performance. For example, you give your employees bonuses, awards, team outings, or personalized gifts occasionally or quarterly. These gestures demonstrate appreciation and serve as a motivational factor for your team, encouraging them to deliver their best work consistently.  

Related post: Filipino Work Culture 101: A Roadmap to Outsourcing Triumph 

Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity  

Understanding cultural differences and creating an inclusive work environment encourages a sense of belonging—ultimately leading to a solid relationship and fulfilling professional experience with your Filipino outsourcing team.    

  • Holidays and Celebrations  

Filipinos are known to celebrate many holidays every year, with around 20 national and special non-working holidays combined. Thus, it’s best to familiarize yourself with the following festivities and apply them to your company’s annual calendar. This understanding demonstrates respect for their culture but also aids in preserving a healthy work-life balance for your outsourced team in the Philippines.     

  • Cultural Training and Awareness  

Incorporate cultural training sessions and awareness programs for your entire team, including non-Filipino employees, which enables them to have open discussions about Philippine cultural norms, practices, and values. Furthermore, this practice allows your team members to create a more empathetic workplace, promoting a deeper connection with everyone. 

Team Building and Social Interaction  

Encouraging social interactions, team-building events, and group projects can foster stronger bonds and nurture a sense of unity and shared purpose within your Filipino outsourcing team. These collective experiences also allow employees to take a break from work and enjoy quality time with their colleagues, promoting a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere. 

  • Team Building Activities  

It’s important to conduct regular team-building activities such as visits to activity centers, hosting team luncheons, and going out of town with your whole company or department. These activities create opportunities for employees to interact in a more relaxed and informal setting, allowing them to discover each other’s strengths and capabilities outside of the office. Therefore, this action improves morale and productivity within your organization. 

  • Regular Check-ins  

Institute regular check-in sessions with your Filipino outsourcing team in a safe space with the human resources (HR) head to review their progress, check up on their experience in the job, address any concerns, and connect with them. This approach allows HR management to identify areas for improvement, enhancing the overall employee experience. In addition, these sessions build a sense of belonging and trust, contributing to improved job satisfaction in your business. 

Working Filipino Outsourcing Team
Photo by freepik 

The Power of Cultural Understanding with Filipino Outsourcing Team 

Building solid relationships with your Filipino outsourcing team is vital for the success of your business ventures. It starts with understanding embracing cultural tradition values, promoting open communication and initiating team activities. Implementing these strategies can unlock the full potential of your Filipino outsourcing team and drive your business toward growth and prosperity.  

Related post: How to Choose the Right Outsourcing Partner in the Philippines: A Step-by-Step Guide 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Q1: Is there a cultural difference when hiring an outsourced team from the Philippines? 

Yes, there can be cultural differences when working with an outsourced team from cities such as Manila in the Philippines. It is important to understand and navigate these differences to build strong relationships and ensure effective communication. 

Q2: How can I overcome cultural differences in outsourcing from the Philippines?  

To overcome cultural differences when you outsource, you can research local cultures, tailor communication styles, bridge hierarchy gaps, account for work ethic variations, allow sufficient on-boarding time, clarify requirements and deliverables, translate documents, monitor indirect cues, invest in cultural training, and share key expertise and expectations. 

Q3: What are the advantages of cultural differences in a diverse workforce? 

Cultural differences in a diverse workforce can provide advantages such as a broader range of ideas and perspectives, leading to increased creativity and innovation. 

Q4: How can effective communication be ensured with offshore staff? 

Effective communication can be ensured with offshore staff by addressing language barriers immediately, investing in language training if necessary, and promoting a culture of understanding and respect for diverse customs and backgrounds. 

Q5: Can business outsourcing companies (BPO) help in managing cultural differences? 

Yes, BPO companies can assist in managing cultural differences as they often have established training and development departments focused on cultural awareness and communication skills. 

By adopting effective employee engagement strategies, you can optimize productivity, cultivate a constructive work atmosphere, and attain exceptional outcomes with your Filipino outsourced team.  

At Cloud Development, we provide top-notch BPO services to guide your company through a seamless process and transition in managing your employees in the Philippines. So, if you require assistance in this domain, feel free to consult with us today! 

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